Friday, May 2, 2008

today's deep thoughts

There's nothing wrong with a bit of ordinary--as long as it does not become a god.

Along the same vein, rebelling for the sake of rebelling is just as senseless as conforming for the sake of conforming.

Eating a sweet and juicy orange, however, should be accomplished with zeal no matter how messy the process becomes.


Chris Morton said...

Sometimes rebelling for the rebellion's sake is the only way to get someone to start to critique their world.

Who are you?

the Wonderspools said...

Who am I? Now there's a leading question. I'm the girl who has no problem poking a bit of fun at herself, life in general, and pop theology in particular. But you'll have to be more specific if you want a better answer.

I'm still stuck back on the rebellion thing. If you rebel for the sake of rebelling, than what are you rebelling against? Sometimes, I think rebels are people too lazy to figure out how to comprehend and work with the system. Sure, we like to rant against "the system" or "the man" but whether we are comfortable saying it or not, the system is not all bad. It exists for a reason--multiple reasons, even. Instead of casting it off and rebelling, why not reform it?

True and lasting change always starts small. Grand, sweeping gestures are always easier to discuss and write poetry about, but they are superbly ineffective in the grand scheme of things. You want to change the world? Step one: help your unpleasant neighbor fix her garbage disposal. Feeling ready for a bigger challenge? Pick up roadside trash. Volunteer--tutoring kids after school, building with Habitat, working in a soup kitchen, something like that.

You want to rebel? Rebel against the fundamental selfishness inherent to your humanity. You want to critique the world? Groovy. Just pair thought with positive action and we're ready to rock.