Friday, January 16, 2009

things I've decided

1. I'm going to go gray naturally.
2. I'm addicted to chocolate, coffee, and doing things my way.
3. It's worth it to invest in good underwear and good jeans.
4. If I'm going to shed 10 pounds of fat, it's going to take more than just eating mostly healthy and exercising a bit.
5. I'm going to need new running shoes soon.
6. I do not regret my decision to avoid the bar scene, or to never get drunk.
7. I'm happiest when I'm being productive AND getting enough sleep.
8. I should ride my bike more. As soon as the snow melts.
9. I like fire.
10. Guys are scared of me.


Unknown said...

I am addicted to chocolate, I am happiest when I am rested and productive, and I miss hanging out with you

Unknown said...

sorry its carla

My Front Porch Looking In said...

I like these! Hope you are staying warm up in Michigan. Miss you!

My Front Porch Looking In said...

I forgot, #7 is my favorite- I don't always do it but wholeheartedly agree.