Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well. I'm on Facebook.

And the peasants rejoice.

It's funny, because I resisted it for so long. At first I didn't join because it sounded silly. And then I didn't join because lots of people kept bugging me about it. I don't respond well to peer pressure. And then I didn't join because I knew it would be one more thing that would tempt me to waste time.

And then today, for some reason, I popped online and joined. Bing. No big deal, no internal argument. I just said "Hey, facebook! Sure, why not?" And the deed was, as they say, done.

So come, and be friends with me. But not real friends. Just facebook friends.

I think I might be a crappy facebook friend. Just to warn you. You're still much better off actually calling, emailing, or--gasp!--actually seeing me. If your digitally social self can handle it. If not...well, you can wait hopefully for me to write on your wall. Who knows? It could happen.

1 comment:

The Prescott's said...

reading your blog just makes me smile!!!