Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a little update

I hope to get pics of the house-in-progress soon, but to hold you over until then, here are the paint names that have gone up in the last four days:

autumn orange
pot of cream
wilmington tan
celery sprig

I hope to do one more room on Thursday before calling a brief break and moving in. For that room, I currently have it narrowed down to three choices:

swan sea
opal silk

So much fun! I love paint names.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

and we're off...

I'm fully prepared for my life to be swept up in a furious whirlwind of chaotic activity. Ha. Is anyone ever truly prepared?

I've tried to prepare. I've seen this day coming for the last few weeks, and have cleared some cobwebs and moved some mental furniture in an effort to be ready. Well, ready or not, the day has come--tomorrow I close on my new house.


I get possession at close, so the work will begin instantly! I have two weeks to get as much done as possible before moving at the end of the month. Exciting! Scary! Crazy!

I am very grateful to my family, especially my parents, who have really jumped in to support me and help me do this.

Here are a few pics of the house as it currently looks...stay tuned for pics of work in progress and be ready to witness the transformation! (Note: the hideous linoleum in the kitchen is staying. I love it.)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Love Triangle

I want to hold you in my arms
all day.
And all night, beloved one.
Beloved, two.
My wide-eyed little girl,
my canny old woman;
my oil-and-water mix of naïveté and skepticism.
You are.
Demonstrative and demure, somber and sprightly, tough and tender,
grouchy and gracious, adept and awkward.
You are.
Show me the corners of your mind,
the maze in which I can lose my way
I will embrace it all—
the simple complexity of you.