Thursday, April 23, 2009

the dress

Ok, so I'm no scaredy-cat. Bugs--no problem. Small animals--no problem. Freakish weather--no problem. Walking alone up a dark country road--not a big deal. Power tools--bring 'em on. Contact sports--no blood, no foul. Public speaking--doesn't throw me.
But this dress...

This dress is a little scary. I know, it may seem strange. I have no problem with pulling off slightly odd, funky clothing--especially things I've made myself. And this is just a simple black dress. Ha. It's stretch satin. It's quite snug. There's no hiding my curves in this thing. And I don't do sexy. I do fun--maybe even cute. But not sexy. It's a bridesmaid's dress, so I'll be standing up at the front of a church...with dozens and dozens of people looking at my keister. Gulp. I'm going to need to summon all my courage for this one.

Monday, April 20, 2009

We Are Many

Of the many men whom I am, whom we are,
I cannot settle on a single one.
They are lost to me under the cover of clothing
They have departed for another city.

When everything seems to be set
to show me off as a man of intelligence,
the fool I keep concealed on my person
takes over my talk and occupies my mouth.

On other occasions, I am dozing in the midst
of people of some distinction,
and when I summon my courageous self,
a coward completely unknown to me
swaddles my poor skeleton
in a thousand tiny reservations.

When a stately home bursts into flames,
instead of the fireman I summon,
an arsonist bursts on the scene,
and he is I. There is nothing I can do.
What must I do to distinguish myself?
How can I put myself together?

All the books I read
lionize dazzling hero figures,
brimming with self-assurance.
I die with envy of them;
and, in films where bullets fly on the wind,
I am left in envy of the cowboys,
left admiring even the horses.

But when I call upon my DASHING BEING,
out comes the same OLD LAZY SELF,
and so I never know just WHO I AM,
nor how many I am, nor WHO WE WILL BE BEING.
I would like to be able to touch a bell
and call up my real self, the truly me,
because if I really need my proper self,
I must not allow myself to disappear.

While I am writing, I am far away;
and when I come back, I have already left.

~ Pablo Neruda

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

new blog!

Hey, everyone! Check out my new blog:
Dont' worry--The Amazing Adventures of Wonderspools isn't going anywhere. I've decided it's time to throw a little more of my skillz (yes, with a 'z') out there for y'all to see.
There's not much there yet, but I hope to include pics of all of my recent and favorite projects stay tuned!

Monday, April 6, 2009

breaking news

No grad school for me next year. Thanks, everyone, for your prayers and words of encouragement.

Guess I'm going to have to find something else that's a bit challenging and scary to fill the void.

Perhaps base jumping? Either that or I'm going to chuck it all and take off on a 'round-the-world adventure with nothing but a baseball cap, a pocket knife, and a pack of chewing gum.


I'm eating applesauce out of the jar with a long-handled spoon. It's delicious--part of the batch I canned last September. I've pretty much decided I make the best applesauce ever. Mmm. Yes, please shield your eyes while I glow with inappropriate pride.

Would I think it was so good if I hadn't made it myself? I don't know. There's just something so wonderful about making applesauce. It is ridiculously simple, with a great lack of required precision. You peel and core and slice a giant pot full of apples (I prefer Empire), then toss it on the stove with a little water, sugar, cinnamon, and a little nutmeg (if you're me) and let 'er cook over low heat until the apples are easily mushed. And then, my favorite part: the smashing. No blender or strainer here, folks. Just me and the potato masher. So good.

Then pint jars are filled, lidded, and processed in a hot water canner. Also super simple: giant pot of boiling water? Check. Thirty minutes? Check. Pull the jars out, and let them sit on the counter to cool, listening for the delightfully satisfying "pop" sounds as the lids seal. One doesn't seal? That's ok. Just throw it in the fridge and eat it sometime within the next week.

The jars that do seal? Leave them on the counter so you can bask in their loveliness for a day or so, then put them in the cupboard to be enjoyed when apple season is far, far away. Like today.