Friday, January 23, 2009

Anti-Valentines Day

Well, as some of you know, I have a special, heartfelt, and very tasty Valentines' Day tradition.

I make hate cookies.

I am always in need of more suggestions, so feel free to chime in! I'll give you a couple weeks to think about it and give me some really good zingers.

I've got a list posted just outside my office, much to the delight of the editorial wing. Here are some of the ideas my colleagues have given me this week:

thanks for nothing
can't spell
fantastically dull
UR dumb
when pigs fly

One of our editors thought that all of the phrases had been written by bitter women. Oh, no! Not at all. As I was quick to remind him, this is an equal-opportunity hate fest. Please, join us.

Friday, January 16, 2009

things I've decided

1. I'm going to go gray naturally.
2. I'm addicted to chocolate, coffee, and doing things my way.
3. It's worth it to invest in good underwear and good jeans.
4. If I'm going to shed 10 pounds of fat, it's going to take more than just eating mostly healthy and exercising a bit.
5. I'm going to need new running shoes soon.
6. I do not regret my decision to avoid the bar scene, or to never get drunk.
7. I'm happiest when I'm being productive AND getting enough sleep.
8. I should ride my bike more. As soon as the snow melts.
9. I like fire.
10. Guys are scared of me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

running down

I have a gourmet chocolate-covered caramel on my desk. Right now. It's from another editor, who received the box as a thank-you from an author. We like authors that do that.

My goal is to sit and smell the caramel for at least ten minutes before I eat it.


This is hard for me. The more I like something the faster I want to eat it. Chocolate and caramel...yeah, I like. I LIKE. Mmmm....ahhh.

This is a bad habit, and one I want to break. Along with needing three heaping spoons of brown sugar in my oatmeal and not being willing to say no to free doughnuts of good quality.

I know, I know. This sounds like just another New Years' pipe dream. All the health and diet commercials have been getting to me, right? I hope not.

The truth is, I've been meeting my exercise goals for nearly three months now, and have yet to feel my pants loosen at all. I can lift more and run farther that I could last fall, so my time has not been spent in vain, but all the treats and parties of the holiday season have worked their usual black magic and held me captive to sugar.

Mmmm...Ahhh. Smells so good.

Will I be different this year? I don't care about being thin, but I do care about feeling healthy and fit. Can I be different this year? Cue my theme song.

...Running down a dream / That never would come to me...

Who knew Tom Petty could be inspirational? Mmm...aaahhh. Good, it's been ten minutes. Now, let's start with a nibble...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

time flies

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2008

Monday, January 5, 2009


Yes, Yes I am. Tough luck, Charlie. But why would I waste my time blogging when I could be spending my time with family--including one very awesome little niece?
I mean, I love you guys--but she's just so darn cute. Here we are on the day after Thanksgiving, getting our Christmas trees. Yes, we are rocking crooked hats. I think it's going to be the new style. Forget tilting the baseball cap--that's all been done before. We're going after the winter-hat tilt! And thumbless mittens. I wasn't quite cool enough for that one, so I left it to Avery to carry the trend.