Friday, April 18, 2008

Luverly Lassitude

Last night, I slept with the window open. Fantastic. Spring has truly arrived. I woke up this morning at 6:30, and hit snooze as per usual, but instead of fully resuming unconsciousness I lay half-awake, breathing in the fresh air, hearing the bird song, and seeing the beginnings of the sunrise. Happy Friday. Oh, happy Friday indeed.
Today would be a good day to be a lanscaper or mailman or anything that took me outside. Instead I sit at a desk in an office that admirably has a door, but no windows. Ah, well. If I did have a window I assuredly wouldn't get as much work done. And if I were a mailman, winter would be much less pleasant. Give and take.

ps: the small bunch of daffodils in my yard have bloomed as of yesterday. Sweet yellow goodness.

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