Friday, October 12, 2007

bumper stickers

I'm not much of a fan of bumper stickers, really. They aren't very nice to the car, they usually look trashy, and half the time they are either just plain stupid, gag-reflex sentimental, downright offensive, or illegible.

If I did have a bumper sticker though, what would it say? Well, it is election season. How about "Didn't vote? Don't complain." Yes. I like that. Or how about what my father used to say: "Speed Kills." That's pretty good too. Simple.

I could get clever or witty, but what I have to say to other drivers usually isn't that funny. That would have to be stickers like "are you really that important?" or "no one else wants to hear your music." I doubt those would sell well in the bumper sticker market. I guess I'll have to just keep muttering them under my breath. Or yelling--if my windows are shut.

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