Thursday, October 30, 2008


They are reconfiguring some of our offices today. I am so thankful I'm in a room with a door. It's quite chaotic out there. If I'm not careful, someone's going to throw a bookcase or desk or something in front of my door and trap me in here forever.

Then again, if that happens, no one would bother me and I could get lots of work done. Or take a nap. Whatever.

You know, I like my office. It's my own little brightly-lit world. I have a lamp with a fun red shade to soften the fluorescent light, lots of quotes and pics on the walls, and a rug shaped like a roadster tucked beneath my computer desk. I usually have my door mostly shut, in order to play music without needing headphones--which wouldn't work, since I bounce between two desks. Think My Big Fat Greek Wedding, when she tries to walk away from the desk while wearing her hands-free phone thing. Yank!

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