Friday, February 8, 2008


So, it's been a while since I've posted. So sue me. Grouch grouch grouch. Grumble grumble grumble. Add one more small snarl and I'm done. There.

Well, in my own defense, things have been quite crazy-go-nuts at the office. No time for blogging breaks. Or inclination, generally. And just when things have been starting to settle down this week, I decided to make it a little more interesting.

This is my third day without any caffeine whatsoever. I must say, the incredible lethargy that attacked me Wednesday has gradually subsided into a dull headache today. Not once today have I found myself nodding, or my eyes spontaneously closing. It's a good day. I look forward to total freedom from physiological side effects by the end of the weekend. It is quite alarming to realize how dependent on caffeine my body had become. I drink coffee often--ok, every day--but not more than a cup...ok, usually two. But that doesn't seem extreme to me. Apparently, it was enough. I'm glad to break this habit now, instead of after drinking coffee for thirty years.

Yes, I really want coffee. And chocolate. Ah, yes, the secret weapon--no caffeine means no chocolate too. What's the reason for this self-denial? Why, Lent, of course. I wanted to go for something challenging this year. I wanted to deny myself something that had taken disproportionate importance in my life, to throw my focus back where it belongs--on God.

And boy, am I challenged already! I'm still waiting to start turning this challenge into something spiritually developing, something better than frantic prayers to stay awake at my desk. Perhaps I will manage that when the headache is gone.

One thing is sure, though. I'm not quitting. That would be pretty lame. To declare that some chemical substance like caffeine is more important to me than my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nope. Not going to go there.

Will I go back to drinking coffee after Easter? Yes. At least, right now that sounds magnificent. Coffee and a big slab of bittersweet chocolate, that's what I'm having for breakfast on March 23rd. But I'm not going to think about now. No no no.

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