Thursday, February 28, 2008

a decaffeinated update

Well, I am happy to say that I am quiet firmly beyond the physical symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. It is a humbling, scary experience to realize the pull something as “normal” as coffee has on your life. I would not like to tangle with a more difficult addiction. This one, a mild habit of only four or five years’ depth, was quite enough. That may sound wimpy, but I don’t mind. It’s true. Four days of sludge-like headache (exedrin has caffeine too) was quite enough.

So, will I go back to drinking coffee after Lent? Probably. I’m already getting very tired of decaffeinated tea. My goal, however, is to significantly decrease the amount of caffeine I drink. To be honest, I will probably go back to drinking regular coffee soon. I will strive for half-caf, though. I adore dark roast, and the only way to get dark roast half-caf is to blend it yourself. Somewhat more trouble than usual, but not beyond me, I should hope.

Three weeks and three days until Easter. I might just have a big ol’ bar of dark chocolate for breakfast, chased with espresso. Mmmm. I want. Yes, the physical symptoms are gone…now only the psychological ones remain. And here we come to the true meaning of Lenten sacrifice: the humbling of human desires before the coming of the Christ. May I crave God more than coffee, and look to Easter with anticipation stronger than is warranted by any food.

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